Ah, yet another way to express yourself! How entertaining! Dare I follow you into twitterdom, just as I have followed you everywhere else you go? Better not... then you'd really think I was stalking you! I'll just admire your twitters from afar.
All writing copyright Callithump Thunderblog, 2008-2009. Enjoy, share and snuggle up with this blog, but please remember, a real, live, very nice person wrote it all by herself. Give credit where credit is due or I won't invite you to my birthday party. I mean it. Don't be a jerkface.
Ah, yet another way to express yourself! How entertaining! Dare I follow you into twitterdom, just as I have followed you everywhere else you go? Better not... then you'd really think I was stalking you! I'll just admire your twitters from afar.
For now....
No need to join twitter yourself, when you can just enjoy my twitters right here on Callithump Thunderblog.