I hugged this guy. Well maybe not this guy, but it was a guy with a sign just like his. And a woman too. I hugged her. I was walking down the sidewalk in Times Square and when I saw the free hugs signs I jumped up and down with excitement and then ran and gave them both enthusiastic hugs. My family was all like, "Sondra Stinglash! What are you doing? Hugging a stranger?" But I was all like, "It's the FREE HUGS movement!! Don't you people watch youtube?" Then there was some eye rolling and someone said, "Whatever," and then I went ahead and enjoyed my free hug. And it was a great moment in the life of Sondra Stinglash. One of the best.
Or so I thought.
Come to find out that you get what you pay for.
Some great hug huh? Turns out my hug was just a second rate, hate filled, smelly hippy crap-hug. And I liked it! Now I feel violated and a little bit scarred for life. Free hug, my ass. My therapy bills are going to be through the roof. And I blame my family. After all, they should have protected me.
Go ahead and click on the teeny envelope icon and send this post to a friend. Don't be jerky and claim that you wrote it because I wrote it, damn it.
Are you angry that you got a cheap knockoff hug? As if it were from a guy on the streets who you can buy a Rolex or should I say Fauxlex for $50 bucks? Or are you angry at yourself for accepting the cheap knockoff hug and liking it because you simply weren't aware that the "Deluxe Hug" even existed? Either way, I think your feelings are valid and I would probably feel violated too.
rxBambi- I never thought of that before. Now that I know that all pharmacists are touch-a-phobic, I am going totally hug my pharmacist the next time I need to pick up a prescription.
Gayle- I had never seen it before I found it to post- but I have watched it quite a few times in the last few days. And remember, strangers are only friends you haven't met yet.
Dear Freakin' Charlie,
I will send you the bill for the hug later.
Sondra Stinglash
P.S. I think you meant "freakin' cool," but I'll let it slide.
So Sandra so too, gives deluxe and expensive hugs, is there no end to the rampant capitalism in the country.First no "happy endings" on massages, now expensive hugs!
All writing copyright Callithump Thunderblog, 2008-2009. Enjoy, share and snuggle up with this blog, but please remember, a real, live, very nice person wrote it all by herself. Give credit where credit is due or I won't invite you to my birthday party. I mean it. Don't be a jerkface.
Oh, my gosh, that is so funny! Thanks for the laugh!
That was the funniest video I have seen in a long time- awesome!
I am so digging on your coolness for going and getting a free hug!
Just when I think you've lost yer "funny" Sondra snaps back and satirizes a bodywork blog! This is awesome!
I was slayed by the lady at the end. Hilarious.
I wonder how much the return customer got for her $20. Was your hug that good?
Are you angry that you got a cheap knockoff hug? As if it were from a guy on the streets who you can buy a Rolex or should I say Fauxlex for $50 bucks? Or are you angry at yourself for accepting the cheap knockoff hug and liking it because you simply weren't aware that the "Deluxe Hug" even existed? Either way, I think your feelings are valid and I would probably feel violated too.
Imnotbenny- We are in complete agreement. It is a great video. And yes, I am pretty damn cool for getting those free hugs.
Veronica- You are very welcome.
Boris- Lost my funny? Sometimes it goes on hiatus, but it always seems to come back.
Gwen- I know. Me too.
CatLady- I didn't even get the deluxe hug, not to mention the $20.00 hug.
John- All of the above. Thank you for so succinctly summarizing my feelings. This will save me lots of time in therapy.
Bwahahahaha! Loved the video!
I became a pharmacist because I wanted to go to med school but I don't like touching people. No free hugs for me, or even $2.00 hugs.
I had seen that before but it was still funny the 2nd time around!!
Not sure I want to hug a stranger though (I guess I am like your family ?!!)
I got a hug from Sandra, Sonya, Sondra, Snidley or whatever her real name is tonight........and on the 7th hug I rested.
PS: She is cool.
rxBambi- I never thought of that before. Now that I know that all pharmacists are touch-a-phobic, I am going totally hug my pharmacist the next time I need to pick up a prescription.
Gayle- I had never seen it before I found it to post- but I have watched it quite a few times in the last few days. And remember, strangers are only friends you haven't met yet.
Dear Freakin' Charlie,
I will send you the bill for the hug later.
Sondra Stinglash
P.S. I think you meant "freakin' cool," but I'll let it slide.
So Sandra so too, gives deluxe and expensive hugs, is there no end to the rampant capitalism in the country.First no "happy endings" on massages, now expensive hugs!
Is that $2 before or after tax? Just need to know.
It's like my pappy said: Nothing in life that's free is ever worth having.
Boris- My hugs are worth it.
idifficult- After.
Mike WJ- Your pappy was a very wise man.
That's why I avoid all forms of physical contact. Far cheaper. And less sweaty.