Yoga Class

Standing in Mountain pose, feet a comfortable distance apart, we allow our heads to reach upward, yearning for the sky, opening our hearts to life, love and possibility...

We invite our shoulder blades to plunge downward, surrendering to the earth's gravitational pull, imagining our feet growing roots that coil and wrap into the center of the earth...

While at the same time, widening the back of our necks with each nourishing inhale, and then with each exhale, lengthening the neck like a little growing tree sprouting upward...

Becoming the mountain, solid and strong, feeling the little mountain goats as they graze upon our shoulders...

Breathing the arms upward as we visualize the arms reaching upward, mountain goats scurrying, our hands journeying together as if long lost lovers reunited after many years apart...

Hands as lovers, joining together in prayer position, palms pressing together, whispering to one another things that only hands can whisper...

Chest heaving upward with an inhale sending the hands skyward, ripping apart, divorcing outward, hanging loosely on either side of the body, strangers once again....

Arms extending outward, folding deep, deep, deep into our hip sockets, softening the knees, we dive downward into the depths of our very souls...

Guess who took a yoga teacher's training workshop?


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