Happy Birthday To Me!

It's my birthday all day long today!

Socrates said that an unexamined life isn't worth living. Therefore, in honor of my birthday and to also sound smart by including a quote from Socrates in my post, I will reflect on the year. (That is the same as examining, rendering my life worth living, at least for this past year.)

During this past year of my life, in no particular order, I:

  • Started writing a humor blog. At the time I didn't even know that humor blogging was a thing. In fact, I was pretty sure that I was the first one to do it. Here I go, I thought to myself as I typed, being super innovative, once again. All of this inventive genius flowing out of me all the time can get a little bit boring for me. Same old, same old brilliant mind. Sigh. Obviously, I knew nothing. Turns out there are more than a few way-funny humor writers out there in the blog-o-sphere (a term I coined), most of whom started writing well before I did, so they aren't copying off me or anything. (Or at least it would be difficult to prove in a court of law.) Hats off to those bloggers who make me so jealous that I become despondent, go without eating for days, refusing to take my bloodied hands off my keyboard who inspire and delight with their brilliant posts.
  • Graduated from massage school and most impressively I did so without the help of a palpation slave. I still wish I had one though so I could use them to brush up on my muscles when I get the urge, as in, "that dinner was sure delicious, and now I would like nothing better but to palpate the attachment sites for the piriformus muscle. Someone fetch me my palpation slave." Sadly, however, I made the mistake of posting a description of the room in the basement dirtroom wine cellar the guestroom where the palpation slave would stay and now I can abandon all hope of anyone answering my ad. (Take part in the poll- would YOU stay the night there?)

  • Started a serious blog, due to a case of acute clown disease. (Why doesn't anyone take me seriously?)

  • Won a blogger's award from the Cat Lady. Visit her site; you will be inspired and delighted, but be warned- her site is 100% cat-free. You can look forward to my claiming the award and passing it on to other fine bloggers, sometime very, very soon.

Goodbye dear friends. Reflecting done with, I am off to bandage my fingers drink myself silly celebrate and rejoice with my loved ones! Enjoy your day, even though it won't be nearly as good as mine, on account of it isn't your birthday.

Go ahead and click on the teeny envelope icon and send this post to a friend. Don't be jerky and claim that you wrote it because I wrote it, damn it.

10 Response to "Happy Birthday To Me!"

  • http://howtobecomeacatladywithoutthecats.blogspot.com Says:

    Happy Birthday, oh Exalted One!
    I bow to your Awesome Blogness!
    Many happy returns of the day!


    P.S. Thanks for the mention... sort of like a birthday present in reverse! Now to go find something else to give to you.

  • KC Says:

    Happy Birthday to you! I would bake you a cake but baking is not really my thing. Keep writing..I enjoy reading you.

  • Unknown Says:

    Happy Birthday sugar! I hope it is a grand one. I am glad you started your humor blog.

  • Optimistic Pessimist Says:

    happy birthday!

    I do believe I am going to push happy lovers in snow banks this winter. Hey someone has to do it...might as well be me.

  • Winky Twinky Says:

    I've seen your pic on comments out there...but I gotta admit this is the first time I checked out your blog... ala catladylarew... You're funny! I'll look forward to your meme response. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

  • NJ Pigno Says:

    Cat Lady- Thanks for the well wishes and the award! It was a great surprise.

    KC- Thanks. Birthday cake is overrated anyway.

    Ettarose- Thank you. Thank you. I am glad I started the blog too. In fact, my blog's birthday is coming up this month as well.

    Optimistic Pessimist- Glad that there is someone out there who is ready to take on the job.

    Tinky Winky- Thanks for visiting! Any friend of the Cat Lady is a friend of mine. Thanks for the birthday wishes.

  • Girl Tornado Says:

    Yay, I have found an excuse to have a drink tonight. I will celebrate YOUR birthday. Happy Birthday my friend!

    (I was going to have that drink anyway, this just substantiates the existence for that drink.)

    But no birthday cake, or even just plain cake. Maybe some decadent Starbuck's ice cream. Just a bite though....

  • Girl Tornado Says:

    Oh by the way, thanks for stopping by my blog, eons ago. Shame on me for just now getting around to visiting YOUR blog. :-\

  • BPOTW Says:

    Belated Happy Birthday! That was a very nice piece of pondering!

  • NJ Pigno Says:

    Oz Girl- thanks for stopping by. I know what you mean about Starbucks ice cream! We had it for Thanksgiving instead of pumpkin pie.

    BPOTW- Thanks for the birthday wishes and thanks too for the visit!

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